Go To The Next Level

This afternoon September 24th, 2012.

I received an amplop from my boss ^_^.
I almost shock while he explain inside the amplop is merit increase. but i help my self to calm down.
my bos said "every year they were given by management some budget to increase subordinate salary under their supervision,
I was chosen by him because he has assess my performance,  my attitude during working with him.
keep your good performance and success for you.
i shake his hand and say thanks to him. :)

What i want to share is all my achievement is worth while i remembering God's Hand in my live.
Thanks God for what You have done in my live, Nobody know while i cried out to You and share my need.
for You are my strenght covered me while there is another way to fullfill my need-my way.
My refuge while storm come in my life. You still never let me down.

This Years is Year of Multiplication and Promotion because God Favour and the Years of Miracle


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