7 Manifestation of practicing God Presence

When God gave moses the plan of tabernacle He said place a gate, beyond the gate altar of sacrifice, beyond altar sacrifice a laver, He said them build a structure with 48 pilars covered with Gold, on the left put the lamp stand on the right put a table shewbred, straight the head put the table of insence and beyond the ark of covenan. This are 7 manifestation of practicing God Presence. i'll show you: when you are communing, you begin fellowship with Jesus, you begin pracite His presence and now you entering the realm of the Spirit because its imposible to practice the presence of God outside the realm, in the realm of the Spirit suddently Jesus is real and when Jesus is Real faith is born, you dont need faith all you need is Jesus, Jesus never said seek faith, seek me i'll give you a faith and the problem is people sough faith then the Lord and the reason i just quickly correct something, the reason people confess i'm heal, ...