7 Manifestation of practicing God Presence

     When God gave moses the plan of tabernacle He said place a gate, beyond the gate altar of sacrifice, beyond altar sacrifice a laver, He said them build a structure with 48 pilars covered with Gold, on the left put the lamp stand on the right put a table shewbred, straight the head put the table of insence and beyond the ark of covenan.

     This are 7 manifestation of practicing God Presence. i'll show you: when you are communing, you begin fellowship with Jesus, you begin pracite His presence and now you entering the realm of the Spirit because its imposible to practice the presence of God outside the realm, in the realm of the Spirit suddently Jesus is real and when Jesus is Real faith is born, you dont need faith all you need is Jesus, Jesus never said seek faith, seek me i'll give you a faith and the problem is people sough faith then the Lord and the reason i just quickly correct something, the reason people confess i'm heal, i'm heal and nothing happend is because Holy Ghost hasn't move on them yet
Genesis 1 give us secret "it said the Spirit of God move and God Spoke, God Speak into the wind of the spirit, the reason people say with the stripe i am heal and nothing happend is because Holy Ghost hasn't move to their heart yet to see result, when the Holy Ghost move the words come alive. Did you understand this part? In the realm of the Spirit, when i begin walking in the Spirit and thats happend as i wait, as i wait, He quick in me at once pointed, it will take whole half hour, it will take one hour who cares. but when i am quick Jesus become real, when Jesus become real a song is born and after a song is born now something happend by after that i came to the altar sacrifice with the blood of Jesus become more real than my bondage and that minutes as i am practicing the presence of the Lord i break, a broken heart you not despite, theres brokeness, therese repentence, therese clensing and forgiveness. all thing are passed away and the very memory of sin disapear of my soul. when people doing its in flesh, a lot people confess their sin in flesh thats why they go back and sin again but when you repentance in Spirit its imposible to go back and do the thing again. imposible! Because it is will raise by Holy Ghost, the third place you come to in the practice of presence of the Lord is the words, that the laver, well, the promise of God become powerfull suddently, now you look up and ask Father, your words says and you take hold the promise but you are in the spirit and because you are in the spirit there is a confidence, there is a supernatural confidence that jhon talk about, He said this is the confidence we have in Him. if we ask anything according to His will, He will do it and we know His heard, How we know He is heard you? because you are in the Spirit, if you in the flesh it will questioning you how God hearing you, but when you are in the spirit, you know he is heard you and then you know you have the partition to ask and then you will move to another plato/ level of the practice the God presence and thats the lamp stand.
     The lamps stand is the renewal of the mind. The lamp stand is you know His will. you see at the gate Jesus become real at the altar sacrifice the cross become real at the lever the word become real at the lamp stand His will become real. He will use His will, you know exactly His plan for your life and you will join in. "His will become your will" you look the cross the other way at the table of shewbread and in that blessed practicing the God presence that where you surender your body as an living sacrifice because the bread is the body. Jesus said this is my body the bread. the bread speak of the body willing surender to Him and that we will yealing our member as instrument of righteousness. this is what we are sacrifice to him the living sacrifice. the greates experience in the baptism of the Holy Spirit is when we give Him our body a living sacrifice and our body become His body. Live at those moment so manytime when in Holy Ghost just yield my member with such ease and such beauty, it all happend to all of us.
People just lift your hand and says dear Jesus i love You, breath upon me the bread of God and then you come to altar incense, the altar of incense is a worship, you cant worhip in the flesh, you only worship in the spirit. what is worship? worship is intimacy with the Lord, union in communion with the master, when you entering and He litualy take hold of you, every cell in your body adore him, every part of your being magnifice His Name, its not mental, its Spiritual. it's deep calling unto deep at noise of thy water spell, thy below is not gonna old, such depth in the spirit litualy those water spell are tonado in the ocean and think about Holy Ghost lifting you and lifting water with you and bringing a way such power and glory in your life that you become pleadly emerge in the presence of the Lord at worship just explode inside your being and in that worship you will hear His voice and thats the ark of covenance, because you enter the most secret place in the practice of God presence. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, My hiding place, i will say the Lord He is my refuges, my fortress my God and in Him i will trust. A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked, no evil befall thee no plague shall come near your home. why? your in there.
     And now when you come out at the blessed place  with the glory of God had litualy rap of you. can i tell you something, i used to go to Kathryn meeting and always wondered the woman would walk out on the platform and not say a word and people will heal when she walk on the platform. and i was amazed by that. how come she just stood there without saying a word or preaching a message and people would heal. i tell you why! because when you experience the depths he will come out with you. and your (this is important) presence become His presence. lituarly you carry that glory as you come out, its happend in my meeting, i dont talk about that because i afraid He may judge me. But it one spirit. since i in ohio i didnt preace a message, i didnt encourge them to believe, you dont have to when Jesus is there, because your presence become His Presence, your vessel become His vessel.
     The practice the presence of God is in the realm of Spirit. in the realm of the spirit victory come to you, you can't win over your sin outside the realm - imposible because the bible says for the Law the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. in Christ Jesus mean in the Spirit had made me free from the law of sin and death. You cant know the law of God without know the realm, for i am pursuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any creature, shall be able to seperate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. The minutes you are in Christ Jesus in the Spirit, His love is Real, pray all pray all sufiscate in the Spirit. so you wait and then you enter in as He quick i you, and then you experience Jesus, and His Blood, and His word, and His Will, and now you surender and He take over your vessel and now you worship and now His glory rap Himself for around you, now you come out and He will with you, your eyes become His eyes, your touch His touch, your voice His voice and with that the world will know He is alive, thats why i came here to tell you. its time to find the blessed secret place and dont ever leaved it because in that secret place is your safety. outside that secret place is danger. what did He said to us about it. in Psalm 32 here is what David said in the anoning of Holy Ghost and this is so precious so wonderfull, Dear God i Love it " thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of delieverence. this is what happend in that secret place. its safety.

Preach by Pastor Benny Hinn - Practicing God Presence


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